- We often speak of credit for loans that do not concern a real estate purchase. They are of 2 types:
- Credit assigned to a predetermined purchase: auto credit, motorcycle credit, vehicle credit...
- Credit or loan for consumption : the principle is to make available a sum in cash without you have to clarify its purpose. Please note these rates are often higher than for loans above.
It will not be here comparative credit and monitoring rates in real time. Doing so would require quasi-professionals means , and this site remains bound by an individual to his (too few) hours lost ... To the extent that other sites do very well ! It will give you just a few tips to consider before compare as soon as we speak about credit there are risks. These warnings do not want to say that you have to keep away from credit, but we must nevertheless be aware):
- Do not go to surdendettement exceeding + 1 / 3 your monthly income to repay.
- Avant de succomber à une offre de " rachat de crédits ", étudiez avec attention ce qu'on vous propose : il faut éviter de baisser ces mensuualités de quelques dizaines d'€ au prix d'un rallongement excessif de la durée de remboursement qui au final renchérit de façon prohibitive l'emprunt. Before succumbing to an offer of "buy-back credits," study carefully what is proposed to you : you must avoid falling these mensuuality a few tens of €/$ of the price of an excessive lengthening your repayment period. Because it would add prohibitive borrowing.
- Use only occasionally consumption credits , not make a lifestyle of it.
When you suscribe credit, compare, and compare all the things! (rates, conditions ...), make simulations on the Internet: you'll win something keeping comparing because the competition is intense on this niche and that's a real asset to you !